Welcome To Pickleball Review Hub – Real Reviews By Real Players!


This website was built for you! The idea came about when a few of us were looking to buy new pickleball paddles. We searched online, read reviews, watched videos etc. These were all great but we didn’t see reviews from people that were our skill level. Some of us were 3.0 players, others 4.5-5. We loved the information we found but couldn’t help but wonder if these reviews would apply to us.

PickleballReviewHub.com was born!

We have a group of male and female players of all skill levels that will honestly review each paddle. You will have the chance to read their “Player Profile” to see if they match your skill level and then check out the paddles they reviewed, liked and play with.

In addition to our honest reviews, we are asking for your help! We have gone to every pickleball brand website and included all of their paddles on the site. If you own and play with one of these paddles, we want to hear your review. This will help us as a pickleball community make better purchase decisions!

PickleballReviewHub.Com Is DIFFERENT!

You will notice that other review websites also sell paddles. There is nothing wrong with this! We wanted to go in a different direction and just provide reviews and provide you with access to as much information as we could. In our reviews, we will include videos from online reviews and links back to these websites. We are here to support every pickleball website, reviewer and brand.

We do not sell paddles! We will provide you with direct links to the pickleball brand websites as well as a list of all of the other websites that sell paddles.

Not only will we be working to build the most comprehensive community based crowd-sourced pickleball reviews on the planet but we will also be running a review based TikTok account to keep you up-to-date with the newest paddles and reviews from across North America!


From The PIckleball Blog