Submit Your Review

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We Would Love To Hear Your Review!

We would love to hear your review!

This website was created after a few of us started talking about our recent pickleball purchase journeys. We spoke about the different paddles, the websites, the online stores etc. One of guys said “I wish I could talk to someone on the court that is playing the paddle I am interested in buying”.

That is the purpose of this website. Created by pickleball players for pickleball players.

If you are playing pickleball now, you own a paddle. We want to hear from you!

It would be great if you could take a few minutes and let us know what you think of your paddle. The pickleball community will thank you!!

Pickleball Paddle Review Form

Player Details

Your email address will not be public. We just need it to contact you if necessary about your review!
We are asking only so players can relate to a review.
Selected Value: 15
We need to know your height so people reading your reviews can see if they are close in height to you. For example, someone 6"8 would play a little different than someone 4'10

Pickleball Information

We want to hear your thoughts on the paddles Pop, Spin, Power & Speed!

Did it explode off the paddle or not at all?
What was the power like? Did you crush it with this paddle or not at all?
Did you generate a ton of spin from the paddle or very little?
What was the spin like? Could you generate a ton of spin or nothing at all?

It is time to review the paddles Dinking ability!

What did you think about the paddles control? Did you feel that you had good command of the paddle?
How did this paddle perform around the net? Could you place it where you wanted to?
How did it feel in your hands? Did if feel natural? Heavy, Light? Overall, how would you rate its feel?

Just A Few More Final Questions

We know what the manufacturers say about the paddle but we want you to share your thoughts.
We know you just answered some questions but if you could provide your unique and personal review, it would really help others in the pickleball community. What would you like to share about this paddle?
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
If you have a picture of the paddle, that would be great. Simply upload it here. (Only .png, .gif, .jpg file formats allowed) 4MB filesize max
If so, upload a picture of yourself and we will include it in the review as well as on the community reviewers page.
By submitting a review and images of a pickleball paddle, you agree that:

This is a real review and I am a real awesome member of the pickleball community.
The review and images are your own, and you are not submitting on behalf of a company.
The review is not in bad faith and is not intended to harm any pickleball company.
The images you are submitting are your own and you have the right to submit them.
You give Pickleball Players panel the right to use your review and images on our website and other digital communications and marketing efforts.
You give Pickleball Players panel the right to modify or edit your review and images as needed.
You will not submit any content that is unlawful, abusive, harassing, defamatory, or otherwise objectionable.
You will indemnify and hold Pickleball Players panel harmless from any claims, damages, or expenses that may arise from your submission.
You agree to our website's privacy policy and terms of service.
By checking the box, you acknowledge that you have read, understand, and agree to the above terms and conditions.